Thank you so much for taking the time to look at my blog! You really do not understand how much I appreciate it. If you have any questions/suggestions/or if you just want to say hi, PLEASE send me an email!! My email address is tmc089@hotmail.com and I LOVE getting emails, especially bloggy-related ones :D!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

I'm still alive!!

Hey everyone, sorry for not being around much lately!! Right now I'm at my house rather than my dorm, we're on spring break. I also forgot my camera cord at my dorm, so I can't upload any pics!! But I'm hoping to do some FOTD tutorials, and a few reviews, including one on the AMAZING GHD Styler IV! It's so incredible, trust me!!

If anyone has requests of looks/colors/reviews or questions/issues with the blog, please let me know!

1 comment:

Thanks for taking the time to look at my blog!! I really appreciate it :)