Thank you so much for taking the time to look at my blog! You really do not understand how much I appreciate it. If you have any questions/suggestions/or if you just want to say hi, PLEASE send me an email!! My email address is tmc089@hotmail.com and I LOVE getting emails, especially bloggy-related ones :D!

Monday, May 25, 2009

MAC Sunpepper & FOTD

Hello everyoneee, especially my new followers!!

I'm gonna try and be a consistent blogger, lol. Here's an FOTD from this weekend, this is what I normally do for a smokey eye. 

I use MAC Ricepaper, Print, Carbon, and Vanilla eyeshadows. If you want a tutorial let me know!

I also grabbed Sunpepper Pigment from Miss Holly. It's a really interesting color! It's like a brownish/reddish color with gold reflects. It's very pretty and I can't wait to use it!

I feel like it looks too light in these pictures...I almost thought it was Tan when I was looking at the pictures. It's a little deeper in real life.

Either this week or this weekend I'm FINALLY gonna be doing a GHD review!! I've been putting it off BIG TIME. Hopefully this week I can find a good digital camera set up (no web cam. Maybe I should invest in one.) otherwise I'll use Shane's laptop. 

How was everyone's Memorial Day weekend? I hung out with my mom today...soaked up some sun which is AWESOME since I'm always so palee! 

I start my new job as a bank teller tomorrow...sort of. We have training for 2 weeks then we start for real. I'm really excited though!


  1. Why thank youu!! I posted this FOTD on my forum and everyone was like going crazy over it, I didn't even think it's one of my best but apparently it is lol, yayy!

  2. tutorial, please!!!!! I love the look and think it's something I want to try... so, since you offered to do a tutorial, here's my request :)

  3. Will do, hopefully this weekend I'll get around to it :)


Thanks for taking the time to look at my blog!! I really appreciate it :)