Thank you so much for taking the time to look at my blog! You really do not understand how much I appreciate it. If you have any questions/suggestions/or if you just want to say hi, PLEASE send me an email!! My email address is tmc089@hotmail.com and I LOVE getting emails, especially bloggy-related ones :D!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Ok...so I know that I am officially the worst blogger in the world since I haven't posted in like..3 months or so? I'm sorrryyy!! My job working at the bank this summer really consumed a lot of my energy and hanging out with BF Shane occupied me as well. So I'm sorry! But school is starting up next week, and hopefully I'll have a little more time. I'm taking some bloggish pics tonight because TOMORROW to make up for my haitus (good word use, I know.) I am doing a super duper review post-session!! I have MAD eye products and some other misc. stuff to go over. So be ready. Very ready.

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